Data & Demographics


The Toho Water Authority (Toho) is the largest provider of water, wastewater and reclaimed water services in Osceola County. Toho currently serves 88,000 customers in Kissimmee, Poinciana and unincorporated areas of Osceola County.

Toho owns and operates 15 water plants and 8 wastewater plants. With a workforce of over 250, Toho treats and distributes approximately 31 million gallons of potable water and reclaims 20 million gallons of wastewater each day.


Toho Water Authority building received the LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) Gold certification in June 2011. Toho is the first government building to receive this Gold certification in Osceola County.

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Duke Energy offers services from small to large general service schedules.  Additionally, a number of economic development riders are available for qualifying customers to reduce costs even further.

The Commercial/Industrial Service Rider from Duke Energy:

  • Requires a minimum 500 kW of new load or retention of 500 kW existing load for customers in Florida whose current load is less than 10,000 kW.
  • In order to qualify, candidates must provide documentation showing they have a viable lower cost alternative to taking electric service from Duke Energy.
  • Qualifying applicants will receive a discounted electric rate calculated on a case-by-case basis.
  • Qualifying applicants must sign a contract with Duke Energy, term to be negotiated.

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Kissimmee Utility Authority (KUA) was formed in 1901 to provide electric service to the City of Kissimmee and surrounding area.  With a total generating capacity of 410 megawatts (MW), KUA is the 6th largest municipal utility in Florida.

KUA is governed by a five member board of directors.  The board members are nominated by the board and ratified by the City of Kissimmee.  The Mayor of the City serves as an ex-officio member of the board.

KUA provides reliable electric service to its customers.  KUA offers an Average Service Availability Index (percentage of time the system is available to customers) of 99.9932 percent.  The System Average Interruption Duration Index has decreased from 160 minutes in 1999 to 36.1 minutes in 2012.  The System Average Interruption Frequency Index has decreased from 2.95 interruptions per year in 1999 to 0.85 interruptions in 2012.

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Orlando Utilities Commission (OUC) was established in 1923 by a special act of the Florida Legislature.  It is the second largest municipal utility in Florida and serves 190,000 electric customers, 110,000 water customers and 2,560 chilled water customers in the cities of Orlando and St. Cloud and portions of unincorporated Orange County and Osceola County.
The OUC operates seven water treatment plants, maintains more than 2,300 miles of electric lines and 1,700 miles of water lines.

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